Hello Everyone,
Thank you for taking the time to read and subscribe to Black Opal Investing Newsletter. Starting in mid June, this newsletter will be released to subscribers on a monthly and sometimes weekly basis. Before we get to the content lets first go through what Black Opal is all about.
Black Opal is all about long term investments. We believe that markets, like people, are irrational and because of this, investment opportunities will often present themselves. Black Opal has the mindset that we are purchasing an entire business when we complete our analysis on companies we like. Our value oriented approach to investing also contains a margin of safety. This means we will often have opportunities to purchase fantastic businesses well below their intrinsic value because of one event or another . Typically these events will be short term and only last 1 -2 years. We are diligent, rational, and patient.
The Newsletter will mostly encompass businesses that we are currently analyzing and looking to purchase. It will be released monthly or weekly when the opportunity presents itself and is intended to create conversation and feedback from our followers. We hope that this feedback will test our thesis in advance of our purchases. We welcome feedback through twitter or directly to our inbox (both at the end of this letter). Please feel free to recommend companies for us to review as part of our monthly release. Keep in mind we have limited resources and not all suggestions will be reviewed as they may not fall within the circle of competence that we currently have.
In addition to analysis on individual publicly traded companies, we will provide information that is worth reading about other investment related topics. Some of these topics could include other investors, investment Ideas, topics, or items of interest to us. These ideas could also be short term trading strategies that typically do not align with value type investors. None of the information provided should be taken as financial advice as we are not yours, nor anyone's Financial Advisor. Stay tuned for our first analysis.
Black Opal
email : blackopalfunds@icloud.com
Twitter : @BlackopalMOS